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The Members have an overview of the governance arrangements of the Trust and the power to appoint and remove Trustees. While members hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust, the members themselves have a minimal role in the actual running of the Trust.

Meet our Members

frank Maguire 

Frank currently works as an Educational Consultant and has acted as a School Improvement Partner for several schools in Liverpool. This involved meeting with Heads and staff to help raise standards and outcomes for all pupils. Frank is currently the external consultant for Headteacher Performance Management for 10 schools.

Frank works regularly as a consultant for Wigan LA, advising and supporting governing bodies on the appointment of Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers. Finding the very best leadership for our schools is, perhaps, the most important decision governors will have to make. He has now worked with over 30 schools, helping and supporting governors to find the very best leaders for their schools. In many cases, he has remained in touch with those schools and has been able to support the newly appointed Headteachers.

Previous aspects of Frank's work include acting as an adviser/consultant for the Diocese of Liverpool, working particularly with newly appointed Headteachers as mentor/coach and with school governors supporting the appointment process. He has been an Interim Executive Board (IEB) member for several schools, helping to return those schools to a good standard and re-constitute the governing bodies.

Frank is currently a member of 2 Governing Bodies: Chair of one in St Helen’s LA and Vice Chair of the other in Warrington LA. He is also Chair of the Board of Members of The Rainbow Education Multi Academy Trust.

After many decades of work in Education, Frank was asked by the Diocesan Director of Education to join the board of Rainbow Education Multi-Academy Trust. Working with the Trust is one of his proudest roles, and he is grateful for the opportunity to improve the lives of all in our school communities and to work with such talented and dedicated colleagues.

stuart harrison

Stuart has 30 years experience in education in both a Diocesan and Local Authority capacity. 

As Director of Education for the Diocese of Liverpool since July 2020, he currently has overall responsibility for the promotion of education across the Diocese that is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England. He has oversight of 118 Church of England schools and academies which educate in excess of 35,000 children and young people, across 8 local authority areas.  

Stuart led the development of the Diocesan Schools Trust and became Chair of Directors of the Trust from July 2020 to December 2022. He is responsible for the Diocesan Board of Education’s MAT strategy and for delivering the Board’s strategic priorities.  

In addition to Rainbow Educational Trust, Stuart is also a member of four other Church of England Multi-academy Trusts. He has been a governor, a Chair of Governors and is committed to promoting education that gives all those in our schools and academies the opportunity to flourish.

chad thompson

Chad has a wide range of executive and non-executive experience in both the public and community sectors. Chad is currently a Programme Director for Children’s Services Transformation at a large Local Authority and has held a National role working on national policy and working with Ministers in the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities for the Supporting Families Programme, which aims to deliver better outcomes for children and families across England.

Chad has a Children’s Services and Early Help and Family Support background and has worked in a number of statutory/regulated environments (in his capacity of Independent Chair and Scrutineer for a Local Children’s Safeguarding Partnership) and has experience in organisation development, strategic leadership and operational delivery.

Throughout his career, Chad has always placed a high value on education whilst creating opportunity for all and engaging with communities to better understand their needs and requirements. Partnership and collaboration have also played a significant part in his work, which has included youth and community work, regeneration, Visiting Lecturer at Liverpool John Moore’s University, community safety, safeguarding, health and well-being etc.

Chad is also a sports coach one evening a week and heads up Airborn Academy in Liverpool which offers recreational classes for children and young people on Gymnastics, Parkour /Free running and Cheer leading.

Dave cadwallader

Dave is School Governance Lead for School Improvement Liverpool. He is an established trainer in Liverpool and the neighbouring local authorities. Dave has broad experience of working with schools and academies to strengthen governance. He has also worked with the National Governance Association to deliver the National Development Programmes for both Chairs and Clerks.

Dave has been a school governor for over 20 years and has been with REMAT since its inception in 2014. He is also currently chair of a secondary, primary and special school within Liverpool.

Dave is committed to ensuring that each and every child, no matter what their background or their circumstance, reaches their potential and leaves us ready for the next stage of their life.

In his spare time, Dave enjoys listening to music. He also likes to cook food and then eat it.