Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
The FAR Committee meet 3 times a year to support the Trust board in the discharge of its responsibilities for financial systems, operational controls, governance and risk, including health and safety.
- Dave Cadwallader
- Jon Everard
- Robert Wyn Jones
- Gina Donaldson
- Duncan Jacques (Chair)
- Maria McMahon
- Robyn Middleton
- To consider policies and procedures to ensure that the Trust maintains proper accounts and related records
- To consider and monitor the Trust’s financial plans to ensure they reflect the strategic plan of the Trust.
- To provide oversight on internal controls
- To receive annual internal audit reports
- To receive and monitor strategic risk registers
- To manage responsible office function
- To appoint external auditors
The committee covers:
1. Value for money
2. Budgeting and strategic plans
3. Expenditure
4. All financial procedures
5. Audit (internal and external)
6. Health and safety
7. Asset Management
8. Property Management
Please see below the Terms of Reference for this committee.